Monday, December 22, 2008

Being a history buff sometimes sucks.

I was taking my mom out for an early birthday lunch to Sticky Lips Barbecue. As we got into the parking lot I saw that another car came in behind us. He followed as I went around the lot once and got a spot. Then he sat there about 20 feet back with his window rolled down.

I could see a slightly chubby middle-aged man, he had light colored facial hair, glasses and a bright red jacket.
"What does he want?" I asked aloud. I was thinking he might want to chew me out for that little bit of e-breaking I did in the lot. (My mother was NOT pleased with that.) Or maybe I had a break light or signal out.

No, it was my bumper sticker. I usually don't like bumper stickers. I tend to be fairly low key and like my car the same way. But there are some I just have to have. The Car Talk "Drive Now, Talk Later," one was the first- followed by an "Isotopes" sticker giving a little plug fro my favorite local band. But this was about the blue and white one that says, "Israel, you do not stand alone."

The guy had some rather strong feelings about that one and as it turned out he had very good reason. He introduced himself and said that he had been shot up by Israel. He was on the USS Liberty.

On June 8, 1967 as the 6 Day War raged on land the USS Liberty was in international waters off the Sinai when it came under attack by Israeli aircraft and petrol boats. 34 American sailors were killed and over 150 wounded. No one has yet come up with a convincing answer as to why it happened.

Relations between our two nations continued along as if it hadn't happened. This former navy man wanted to make sure I hadn't forgotten. How could I?

That's pretty much what I told him. That's all he wanted. To know that his shipmates won't be passed over by history and forgotten by their countrymen. It hurts me to remember this. I do not like the feelings of conflict it brings up in me, the sense of an impossible choice between loyalties. I'm glad that I don't have to shoose. But I do have to remember.