Monday, August 25, 2008

I now hate Iron Man

Through some massive cock up, EL AL had the same movies going from NY to Tel Aviv as they do from Tel Aviv to NY. I have now seen Iron Man about 10 times, Prince Caspian about 4 (I still find it odd that EL AL would choose to show a movie that's pretty much Christian allegory. But as I've learned, many subtle things don't translate too well.). I've also finally seen Dodgeball, again 4 times. Alan Tudyke (Spelling?) makes a good pirate, although the lady next to me didn't appreciate me saying, "Hey, that's Wash!" when I realized who he was.

I'm in Newark which seems about as far away from Rochester as anywhere right now. But at least everyone speaks nominal English. Mostly. (EMFDYSI?)

After the wedding we're going to do some sightseeing in NYC and I am personally looking forward to a nice juicy American steak.

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